Friday 28 May 2010

Final Title Sequence


You can watch the finished video in glorious 1080p!

Sunday 23 May 2010

Now, for some reason, I thought I had already uploaded this here, but it hadn't. So here it is.
It's a table used to breakdown the animation into the different sequences within it, and exactly how many frames each one is.

Also been busy, (YouTube seems to make these videos quality go crazy, and I'm not sure why that is...), but here are finished sequences for the final thing (done by me, Alice).

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Colour Chart

A Colour Chart so we all use the same colours and maintain a house style.

Friday 7 May 2010

Final Animatic

We've created the Animatic on Flash using the storyboard that Rozi created as a base, this is the same style we are aiming for in the real thing, which we'll start animating next week!